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VYA Buddy Sailing

If you are looking for crew to sail with you for short term or long term or if you are crew wanting to sail Vancouver yachts we have a Buddy Sailing scheme. You can apply to join the scheme and make contact with members who are also looking for the same thing.

VYA Buddy Sailing Facebook Group

We have a new VYA Buddy Sailing Facebook Group. To join this group use the CONTACT page to email us your request and include your Facebook Login email address and a contact mobile telephone number. We will then send you an invitation via the Facebook group in the form of a link. Simply use the link to request membership of the group.

This group is not limited to VYA members but is to include non members who wish to sail aboard Vancouver yachts for whatever reason. It is a Private group, though, and can only be joined through invitation from the VYA Buddy Sailing  Group Administrator.

VYA WhatsApp Community

In addition to the VYA Buddy Sailing Facebook Group we have set up a new VYA WhatsApp Community. This has three subgroups for VYA Buddy Sailing, VYA Cruising and VYA Technical, Refit & Repair. You can join all three or just those that are of interest to you. The Community is administered by Leszek Wolnik - . He will be able to invite you once he knows your mobile telephone number.




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